Social Impact
DINADI exists for the Nepali women we employ. By directly employing our hand knitters we can ensure that they are treated with dignity and respect. Knitters are divided into knit groups who visit our office in Kathmandu weekly. There we work hard to support and create community for them so that they can in turn support also each other.

All of our hand knitted products are made in knitters homes enabling flexible
work hours. This allows us to employ women that for different reasons are not
able to work full time in an office or factory.
We ensure that all our employees are paid a living wage. Basing our wage
calculations on a living wage means that we pay our knitters at least twice what
our competitors in Nepal pay.
We believe in saving for the future and 28.33% of employee salaries are put
aside for retirement savings. Of this, 10% comes from the employee and
18.33% is added by DINADI.
A profitable business is a sustainable one! 10% of our net profit is set aside and
shared amongst all the employees so that our employees benefit together with us.

We employ a social worker, whose job is to ensure the mental and emotional well-being of our employees. A big part of her job is to regularly conduct employee home visits.
We do all knit training ourselves in house, free of charge. Alongside knit training,
we also offer training in life skills such as parenting, budgeting, community health, etc.
Education is a key factor in fostering development. We pay out an extra 25% ofeach employee’s salary in the form of school tuitions that can be used for their own further education or for their children’s education.
Medical costs can be a huge burden for families in Nepal. We provide employees with medical insurance and accident insurance. We also have an emergency medical fund to help our employees bear costs if their family members become sick.